a dog stands between a woman's legs

Group Class

Foundations: Building Bonds & Behaviors

Hour long classes meeting weekly for 5 weeks.
Investment: $175

Indicate interest by joining our waitlist below!

What is the goal of this class?

Foundations is designed to provide you with a better understanding of how dogs learn and how to train them effectively. Our goal is to empower you to build a strong relationship with your dog, deepen your understanding of their behavior and motivations, and equip you with real-world skills. By the end of the program, we hope you'll have gained valuable insights and techniques to become a confident and successful trainer for your companion.

What does this class cover?

In Foundations you will:

  • learn how to meet your dog’s needs so they are calmer companions

  • develop the ability to read your dog’s body language so you can notice & listen to what they are telling you

  • get to try using a longer leash & practice this skill often

  • learn predictable reinforcement strategies for you & your dog so they aren’t always gobbling up your fingers

  • get to practice mini “walks” with a trainer helping guide your decisions

  • learn foundations for behaviors like offering you attention, loose leash walking, greeting people, coming when called, & settling in new places - all via fun games and cues!

Who is this class for?

Foundations is appropriate for dogs of any age and skill level. This class will help newly adopted dogs and dogs that have been in their home for years. You might have taken an introductory obedience class before, and you will still benefit from this class. Again, a major goal of this class is your learning!

This class is not intended for over reactive dogs. We love teaching these dogs, this course just isn’t designed for them. If your dog will frequently bark, lunge, and/ or growl at the sight of other dogs or people, please check out Confident Canines or consider private training if your dog becomes unmanageable around others.

What are the logistics of this class?

Foundations is a 5 week course that includes hour long classes once weekly and follow up emails after each class listing resources we discussed that day.

Classes are held outdoors on our private land outside of Lake Crystal. In the event of extreme or inclement weather on a scheduled class day, we'll reschedule.

The maximum number of teams in this class is 8 dog/ human teams and the minimum is 4 dog/ human teams. If less than 4 teams enroll, you’ll be given the option of switching to a different class section or a refund.

Children are welcome in class, but they must be accompanied by an adult and encouraged to remain seated and calm throughout the session.

Your investment for the 5 week course is $175.

Dogs must be up to date on their core vaccinations by the start of the class.

Recommended Reading:

While it's not mandatory to read these books for class, we highly recommend them! They'll complement and enhance your learning experience. Reading these books will help you gain a deeper understanding of the exercises we're covering in class, and you'll be able to apply what you've learned more effectively. They’ll take your dog training skills to the next level!

  1. Canine Enrichment for the Real World by Allie Bender and Emily Strong

  2. Doggie Language by Lili Chin